

by Lou Goban
IT Application Professional at Syntax

Check licenses assigned to users – from CSV list

CSV file could have just one column with header named “ID”.
ID is SamAccountName of a user.

License groups names should be part of DN (DistinguishedName) – line 13 and 14 (in this case we will use 2 license groups).

You will need Import-Excel power shell module to create report.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest $true

# Global variables
$date   = Get-Date -Format ddmmyy-hhmmss
$file   = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\list.csv"
$list   = Import-CSV -Path $file
$export = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\LicReport\LicenseReport-$date.xlsx"
$logs   = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\LicReport\Logs\LicenseReport-$date.txt"

# License groups - DN
$E3group = "CN=EXC-CLOUD-Office365_Licensetype_Exchange_Online-E3*"
$P2group = "CN=EXC-CLOUD-Office365_Licensetype_Exchange_Online_P2*"

### --- FUNCTION --- ###

$data = foreach ($u in $list) {

    $userID = $($u.ID)
    $E3license = "NO"
    $P2license = "NO"
    $NFuser = "-"
    $license = "-"
    $UPN = "-"

    Write-Progress -Activity "Working on: $($u.ID)"

    $UPN = (Get-ADUser $($u.ID)).UserPrincipalName 

    Try {

        If ((Get-ADUser -identity $userID -Properties memberof).memberof -like $E3group) {

            Write-Output "$userID - E3 license is assigned" | Out-File -FilePath $logs -Append
            $E3license = "YES"
        ElseIf ((Get-ADUser -identity $userID -Properties memberof).memberof -like $P2group) {

            Write-Output "$userID - P2 license is assigned" | Out-File -FilePath $logs -Append
            $P2license = "YES"
        ElseIf ($null -eq (Get-ADUser -Identity $userID)) {

            Write-Output "$userID - User not found" | Out-File -FilePath $logs -Append
            $NFuser = "User Not Found"
        Else {
            Write-Output "$userID - NO license is assigned" | Out-File -FilePath $logs -Append
            $license = "YES"
    Catch {
        Write-Output "$userID - User not found" | Out-File -FilePath $logs -Append
        $license = "User not found"

        ID = $userID
        UPN = $UPN
        E3_License = $E3license
        P2_License = $P2license
        NoLicense = $license
        UserNotFound = $NFuser


# Export data to Excel sheet
$data | Export-Excel -path $export -FreezeTopRow -BoldTopRow -AutoSize -AutoFilter

Write-Host "Script finished." -ForegroundColor Green

License report will look like this.

License report - Check licenses assigned to users - from CSV list

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