Today I had a task to get all licensed users, who have Teams license assigned and their SamAccountName start with “C”.
For export I used Import-Excel module which you can find on PowerShell gallery.
To change license or service plan you just need to change the 5th line from “TEAMS” to something else.
Write-Progress -Activity "Getting users.."
$allTeamsUsers = Get-MsolUser -All | `
Where-Object {($_.isLicensed -eq $true) -and ($_.Licenses.ServiceStatus.ServicePlan.ServiceName -match "TEAMS")} | `
Select-Object DisplayName,UserPrincipalName
$allData = @()
foreach ($user in $allTeamsUsers) {
Write-Progress -Activity "User:" $user.DisplayName
$mbxName = Get-Mailbox $user.UserPrincipalName | Select-Object Name, UserPrincipalName
If ($mbxName.Name -like "C*") {
$cUser = @()
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing.." $mbxName.Name
# Name
$cUser += $mbxName.Name
# Get Alias
$mbxAlias = Get-Mailbox $user.UserPrincipalName | Select-Object Alias
$cUser += $mbxAlias.Alias
# Get License
$licAssigned = Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $user.UserPrincipalName | `
Select-Object Licenses -ExpandProperty Licenses | `
Select-Object AccountSkuId
# Create a string from a License property
$lic = [string]$licAssigned.AccountSkuId
$cUser += $lic
$cUserTable = [pscustomobject]@{
Name = $mbxName.Name
Alias = $mbxAlias.Alias
License = $licAssigned.AccountSkuId
$allData += $cUserTable
$allData | Export-Excel -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\export-data.xlsx" -FreezeTopRow -BoldTopRow -AutoSize -WorksheetName "Users with Teams"