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by Lou Goban
IT Application Professional at
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Get licensed users with particular license assigned
16. April
Today I had a task to get all licensed users, who have Teams license assigned and their SamAccountName start with…
Assign direct license to multiple users via PowerShell
31. March
Hi there .. with this short script you can assign license directly to users from CSV/TXT file. Prepare CSV file…
Create distribution list via PowerShell with user list
30. March
This short script will create Distribution List/Group, add manager and members from provided text/csv file. TXT or CSV file have…
Get Immutable ID of AD object
20. March
Convert ObjectGUID (on-premise object) to ImmutableID (in cloud object). Script
Opt-out users from MyAnalytics
20. March
With this short script you can Opt-Out or Opt-In users from MyAnalytics feature in MS365/Office365. Additionally you can disable MyAnalytics…
Get AD users and group membership
19. March
This simple script will create a report with users and their groups membership. Output is CSV file with columns: SamAccountName,…
How to filter out disabled user accounts in DDL recipient filter
19. March
I did create a few Dynamic Distribution Lists (DDLs) for a customer today. His request was to filter out disabled…
Get users manager in Office365
17. March
This script will list all users and their managers. Output is Excel file.
PowerShell Master Class by John Savill
8. March
Great Master Class on PowerShell by John Savill. If you are beginner and looking for a great resource for PowerShell…